Star Iron-on Patches, Cute Patches, Star Patches for Kids
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Your choice of colour, you will receive two adorable star patches in the same colour. Each star is about 30mm x 30mm at the widest point.
Level up your sewing and knitting projects by adding personalized details for a loving and professional touch. This patch is the perfect addition to a Denim jacket, hoodie, bag, backpack, or purse. While I've tried to be as accurate as possible the colours and size measurements are approximate.
Applying the patch to your clothing is easy. The patches can be ironed on to clothing items directly with an warm iron. Place a piece of iron friendly fabric over the patch to protect it from melting and press for 1 min on each side. You can also hand stitch this one too if you prefer.
Please allow 15 business days for arrival to the US, and 8 business days within Canada in excess of processing. The mail can take a while. Please order with these deadlines in mind.
Level up your sewing and knitting projects by adding personalized details for a loving and professional touch. This patch is the perfect addition to a Denim jacket, hoodie, bag, backpack, or purse. While I've tried to be as accurate as possible the colours and size measurements are approximate.
Applying the patch to your clothing is easy. The patches can be ironed on to clothing items directly with an warm iron. Place a piece of iron friendly fabric over the patch to protect it from melting and press for 1 min on each side. You can also hand stitch this one too if you prefer.
Please allow 15 business days for arrival to the US, and 8 business days within Canada in excess of processing. The mail can take a while. Please order with these deadlines in mind.
Star Iron-on Patches, Cute Patches, Star Patches for Kids
Star Iron-on Patches, Cute Patches, Star Patches for Kids
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In stock
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- Ready to ship
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Your choice of colour, you will receive two adorable star patches in the same colour. Each star is about 30mm x 30mm at the widest point.
Level up your sewing and knitting projects by adding personalized details for a loving and professional touch. This patch is the perfect addition to a Denim jacket, hoodie, bag, backpack, or purse. While I've tried to be as accurate as possible the colours and size measurements are approximate.
Applying the patch to your clothing is easy. The patches can be ironed on to clothing items directly with an warm iron. Place a piece of iron friendly fabric over the patch to protect it from melting and press for 1 min on each side. You can also hand stitch this one too if you prefer.
Please allow 15 business days for arrival to the US, and 8 business days within Canada in excess of processing. The mail can take a while. Please order with these deadlines in mind.
Level up your sewing and knitting projects by adding personalized details for a loving and professional touch. This patch is the perfect addition to a Denim jacket, hoodie, bag, backpack, or purse. While I've tried to be as accurate as possible the colours and size measurements are approximate.
Applying the patch to your clothing is easy. The patches can be ironed on to clothing items directly with an warm iron. Place a piece of iron friendly fabric over the patch to protect it from melting and press for 1 min on each side. You can also hand stitch this one too if you prefer.
Please allow 15 business days for arrival to the US, and 8 business days within Canada in excess of processing. The mail can take a while. Please order with these deadlines in mind.